Haiti and the UDHR (December 10, 2023)

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., December 9, 2023.  The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on December 10, 1948, in Paris, during its 183rd plenary meeting. Haiti was one of the 48 countries that voted to pass the UDHR.  Haiti Ambassador Émile Saint-Lot, a founding father of the Le … Read more

A Giving Spirit For More Than One Day of Impact

Le Flambeau Foundation , 11/27/23 As the holiday season unfolds, let us ignite the spirit of giving by empowering Haiti’s youth through the transformative power of education. This past year we have been able to award scholarships in the arts and technology fields, successfully run a THE SPARK of Le Flambeau cohort, held two youth … Read more

Birthday Appreciation for Emile Saint-Lôt – Sept 11

Le Flambeau Foundation , September 11, 2023 September 11th is the birthday of Ambassador Emile Saint-Lôt. The Le Flambeau Foundation exists because of the exceptional passion, hard work, vision, perseverance and tremendous leadership of two fathers – Senateur Emile Saint-Lôt and Dr. Luc L. Colas.  Interestingly, one influenced the other.  Emile Saint-Lôt is the father of … Read more

Awards Program Held in Haiti – THE SPARK of LF

Le Flambeau Foundation , August 3, 2023 Le Flambeau Foundation (LFF) hosted an awards ceremony event in Cap-Haïtien on July 1st, to personally award winners of the recent THE SPARK of Le Flambeau session.  The  program, now in its 15th year, is an on-line preparatory program designed to help young people in Haiti develop their … Read more

Scholarship Recipient Graduates from CodePath Course

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., May 25, 2023   Dervain Valbrune, a student in Haiti, recently graduated from the CodePath Intro to Mobile Product Development Workshop Series. This 12-week course experience, which was held in Haiti this past Spring, was made possible for Valbrune by a scholarship from the Le Flambeau Foundation .  Included at … Read more

Happy Haitian Flag Day / Fèt Drapo – May 18, 2023

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., May 2023 May 18, 2023 is the 220th year of Haitian Flag Day/ Fèt Drapo.  This day is celebrated in Haiti and in many U.S. cities with large populations of Haitian Americans. Haitian Flag Day celebrates the creation of the Flag of Haiti during the Haitian revolution.  The day is celebrated … Read more

May is Haitian Heritage Month

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., April 29, 2023 May is Haitian Heritage Month, a time during which we acknowledge and celebrate the countless contributions of individuals from the Haitian Diaspora to the U.S. and to our global communities.  This month-long celebration grew from the May 18th Haitian Flag Day which is a celebration of liberation … Read more

Babbel Partnership

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., 4/28/23 Read a recent article published by Babbel which highlights their partnership with Le Flambeau Foundation in support of our educational programming.  We invite you to join the movement. BY BABBEL, April 20, 2023 “Commemorating Haitian Heritage Month With The Le Flambeau Foundation .” Invest in our Future      

Heritage Perspective from Youth in Haiti

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc.,, April 28, 2023 Our heritage partnered with the experiences and fresh perspectives of our youth form a powerful force for building strong futures.  Over the past few months we’ve had discussions with youth in Haiti via our THE SPARK of Le Flambeau English discussion program – a program now in … Read more

Grand Winners THE SPARK of LF – Spring 2023

This Spring 2023 class session of The SPARK of Le Flambeau ran for six weeks from February 18th until April 1, 2023, with youth in Haiti. Our volunteer Ms. Alexis (Floyd) came back by popular demand and lead the session as English Grader for the fifth time. HISTORY MAKING.  We congratulate the youth in Haiti … Read more