Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Library of Congress, January 15, 2020 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., twentieth-century America’s most compelling and effective civil rights leader, was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. After entering Morehouse College at age fifteen, King followed his father and grandfather into the Baptist ministry. He received a bachelor of divinity from Crozer Theological Seminary … Read more

10th Anniversary Awards – October 26, 2017

We are celebrating our 10th year.   Incorporated in 2007 as a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code, Le Flambeau Foundation is dedicated to intellectual infrastructure development for Haiti via the provision of educational opportunities for Haitian youth.  Our accomplishments include the awarding of full college scholarships, THE SPARK of Le Flambeau … Read more

Fatal Assistance Screening In Miami

FATAL ASSISTANCE SCREENING IN MIAMI. Thursday March 21st to Sunday March 23rd Haitian born filmmaker Raoul Peck appearing Friday and Saturday at 8pm shows.Synopsis: Haitian born filmmaker Raoul Peck takes us on a 2-year journey inside the challenging, contradictory and colossal rebuilding efforts in post-earthquake Haiti. Fatal Assistance appearing at O Cinema (Miami, FL) www.o-cinema.org

The Holiday Gift Without a Price

So what should a gift cost?  The concept of holiday gifting presents each of us with this question and a few more.   How do we find the perfect gift that keeps on giving beyond the holiday season, extending to the entire year and beyond?  And how much is it worth to us and to those … Read more

Scholarship Awarding A Don’t Miss Event

Date:  Today Time:  Anytime Location:  Le Flambeau Foundation , Innc. What:   The scholarship drive is in full force.  Results to-date have been great and resulted in the awarding of a scholarship to Ruchama who started school in January 2011.  With a number of strong candidates vying for the Le Flambeau Foundation Earthquake Scholarships we are … Read more

Passing it On! May 12th Graduation Reception.

Impressive Results. See the pictures Join us for a graduation celebration recognizing accomplishments of Le Flambeau Foundation scholars from Haiti.  We are celebrating  the successful completion of their college terms as they prepare to make a difference for Haiti.  Featured will be Le Flambeau Earthquake Scholar Ruchama who will share her experience. Engage with old … Read more

Kiss and Tell

Haïti Chérie A Love Story Love is in the air.  We are in the midst of transition in Haiti and around the world.  Circumstances are most challenging.  We retire, resign, refuel and rebuild.  After much discussion, arrivals, visits, and special announcements;  the presidential election process in Haiti is moving forward with two candidates and the … Read more