Thank You Congressman John Lewis

Thank you Congressman John Lewis for your sacrifices and for the love you have for humanity.  We are all God’s creation and all bleed one blood.  My condolences to the Lewis family.  The spirit of John Lewis lives on. Jean St.Lot-Gervais President, Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc. Son of Senator Emile Saint-Lôt, Co-Signatory of the … Read more

Frederick Douglass’ Fourth of July speech, then and now

On July 1st, 1889, Frederick Douglass was appointed as the next U.S. Minister Resident and Consul General, Republic of Haiti by US Republican President Benjamin Harrison.  Douglass arrived in Port-au-Prince on this day to serve as U.S. Minister to Haiti. He was minister to Haiti until 1891.  Known for his oratory, it is said that Frederick … Read more

Happy Fête du Drapeau (May 18)

Happy Haitian Flag Day / Fête du drapeau.  May 18, 2020 will be the 2017th year of this celebration.  A little background…(Encylopedia2) Haitian Flag Day is observed on May 18 in Haiti and in a number of U.S. cities with large populations of Haitian Americans. Many Africans of the diaspora, regardless of their ancestry, also … Read more

Haïti et l’Afrique des indépendances (1960)

History – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?  Provided is a past article on Haiti that provides valuable insight into what is being experienced today.  The education of our youth leaders will change the narrative.  Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc. Reseau Citadelle, par Marc Damord, Vendredi 23 Juillet 2010 Cette année, dix–sept pays Africains fêtent le cinquantième anniversaire … Read more

History – Origins of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., February 2, 2020 On December 10th 1948 Senator Emile Saint-Lot, the first Haitian Ambassador and a founding member of the United Nations became a signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights along with Chairwoman of the Commission and Former First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt.  Senator and … Read more

The Black Jacobins – Black History Year-Round

Haiti played an important role in black history – serving as the spark that fueled freedom in Haiti, in the U.S. and throughout the world.  An important read is The Black Jacobins.  This powerful, intensely dramatic book is often described as the definitive account of the Haitian Revolution of 1794-1803, a revolution that began in … Read more

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Library of Congress, January 15, 2020 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., twentieth-century America’s most compelling and effective civil rights leader, was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. After entering Morehouse College at age fifteen, King followed his father and grandfather into the Baptist ministry. He received a bachelor of divinity from Crozer Theological Seminary … Read more

Frederick Douglass Newspapers, 1847-1874: Now Online

Note from Le Flambeau Foundation .  Frederick Douglas was appointed U.S. Minister to Haiti on July 1, 1889, and has strong historical ties to Haiti.  Frederick Douglas represents an exceptional commitment to defending equal rights for the African diaspora community, and all communities.  Provided below are articles on/from Frederick Douglas recently made available on-line by … Read more

Happy New Year & Independence

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., December 30, 2019 The year 2019 came and went in the blink of an eye and we now find ourselves facing the end, and the beginning – 2020.  Natural and man-made disasters, political shifts, and economic restructuring; each played a role in this year’s story. Despite many challenges the mission … Read more