A Dream…

On September 18th we launched the fall semester of  THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program; a language and culture exchange experience between students in Haiti and in the U.S.  As we head into the  fifth year of the program we embarked on our first college edition, the result of a collaborative effort with the University … Read more

Back to School

Dear Friends: It’s Back to School time for all of us.   As we head into the holiday weekend following is a quick update on Le Flambeau Foundation happenings … Haiti – shifting of leadership team responsibilities, new investments, new players, the Olympics, more hotels, accelerated technology transfer, Gold, tourism spotlights, hurricane Isaac, and more (see Haiti … Read more

Scholar’s Summer Adventure, Fall Vision

The following piece was received from Le Flambeau Foundation scholar Ruchama, who spent this past summer on the campus of her new college home, working and preparing for the first year of her four-year educational journey to her degree in accounting with a minor in music. Fabulous summer!  The clock has begun to tick, and … Read more

Gifting Comes in Many Forms

The gift of education for our youth in Haiti is a priceless exchange that changes lives for the better, forever.  We have three Le Flambeau Foundation scholars who graduated from college programs in the U.S. ,including one who completed graduate school at Harvard University and another who recently started on her four-year educational journey to … Read more

Summer, Olympic Cheer

July 27, 2012 Dear Friends: Are you enjoying your break?  ‘Tis the season to relax and rewind.  Thus we bring you a little summer reading with the latest news on Haiti.  The rebuilding is non-stop. The news on Haiti includes announcements of new investment partners, re-energized renewable energy leadership, enhanced funding from existing supporters, new … Read more

Fathers’ Wall – Inspiring Haiti

Fatherhood comes in many forms.  In a recent interview with Le Flambeau Foundation president Jean St.Lot-Gervais, he referred to the role of the father as one similar to that of the arc in a bow, completed by the string in a role mirroring that of the mother.  From this union, born are the children who … Read more

May 24th, 2012. Historic Day Passes Forward for Haiti

The day was May 24th, 2012.  The place was everywhere.  The occasion was the historic passing of the torch by two Le Flambeau Foundation scholars on the exact same day.  One completed her educational journey (at least for now) and one launched her four-year college trek.  This was an unplanned symbolic and exceptionally powerful day, … Read more

A Mother’s Story – lessons of the heart

A Mother’s Day approaches, I think of my role as a mother and as an educator.  Yes, mothers are the first educators of our children.  We teach them to walk, teach them manners, how to be kind; we teach them of themselves and of the world around them.  We hope and pray that our lessons … Read more

Another Le Flambeau Scholar Headed to College

Le Flambeau Foundation Scholar Ruchama, an earlier recipient of our transitional scholarship, will soon be headed back to the U.S. and to college to earn her BA in accounting.  After successfully completing  a one-semester college program and earning top-tier grades, Ruchama was awarded a full four year scholarship.  Ruchama has been in Haiti helping other … Read more

Le Flambeau Scholar Graduating from Harvard

A member of our very first set of Le Flambeau Foundation scholars will be graduating on May 24th from Harvard graduate school.  Rachelle will once again walk down the aisle – this time to receive her master’s degree in education from Harvard University.  Exceptional!  Congratulations!!!