Another Le Flambeau Scholar Headed to College

Le Flambeau Foundation Scholar Ruchama, an earlier recipient of our transitional scholarship, will soon be headed back to the U.S. and to college to earn her BA in accounting.  After successfully completing  a one-semester college program and earning top-tier grades, Ruchama was awarded a full four year scholarship.  Ruchama has been in Haiti helping other … Read more

Le Flambeau Scholar Graduating from Harvard

A member of our very first set of Le Flambeau Foundation scholars will be graduating on May 24th from Harvard graduate school.  Rachelle will once again walk down the aisle – this time to receive her master’s degree in education from Harvard University.  Exceptional!  Congratulations!!!

Lighting the Torch 2012

Winners of THE SPARK of Le Flambeau 2012 light the torch These are exciting times as we announce winners of the THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program, for Spring semester 2012.  We are certain that throughout this exchange program with team members in Haiti and in the U.S., the educational contributions of each award recipient … Read more

The Fifth of May – Mexico, U.S.,Haiti

The fifth of May bears significance for many in Mexico, the U.S., in Haiti…the World In the United States  May 5th is known as “Cinco de Mayo” (Spanish for “fifth of May”).  This day is celebrated nationwide in the U.S. and regionally in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla where the holiday is called … Read more

Language Learning CD’s – Winners, A New Way

The launch of two new sets of language learning CD’s has many excited.  These special CD’s are the result of a unique relationship between Le Flambeau Foundation and London-based EuroTalk,  a company recognized as  one of the top language learning CD developers in the world.  The new language learning CD offerings  include the American English language … Read more

Awards Presented in Haiti

Awards were presented to top Haiti participants from the Fall semester of  THE SPARK of Le Flambeau language exchange program.  Winners received their certificates and educational prizes in Port-au-Prince from Le Flambeau Foundation president Jean St.Lot-Gervais.  The prizes included dictionaries, TOEFL guides, language learning CD’s and books donated by U.S. student and teacher participants in … Read more

Students Raise the Bar in English Learning

Today we launched the Spring 2012 session of  THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program.  A unique language exchange initiative now in its fourth year, born from the collaborative efforts of Le Flambeau Foundation , student leaders (special thank you to founding member Angie), IT advisors and volunteer educators; THE SPARK of Le Flambeau continues to … Read more

Winners! THE SPARK of Le Flambeau

Dear Friends: These are exciting times as we prepare to announce the winners of the THE SPARK of Le Flambeau fall 2011 semester and we continue to raise the bar for our future leaders.  We are certain that throughout the 10-week language exchange program with students in Haiti and in the U.S., the educational contributions … Read more

Students Donate Books to Haiti Youth

Student participants in the Fall semester session of THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program ended the semester by donating books and art crafting tools to Haitian youth they met during the field trip taken to Little Haiti.  Included in the donations made were TOEFL preparatory books and dictionaries for THE SPARK of Le Flambeau partner … Read more

A Year of Achievements

Passing it Forward Dear Friends: It’s hard to believe that we are already at the end of 2011 and headed into 2012.  Despite having no shortage of challenges this past year the achievements had the greatest impact.  You were a part of it.  Let’s take a quick look … Graduated Scholars – Three of our … Read more