New Website Launched!

Today we launch our new Le Flambeau Foundation website.  We received your feedback and used it to guide us in building this new site.   We were gifted with a talented youth supporter who volunteered his expertise to create our new website (see earlier article). 

Today is also the grand opening of the Le Flambeau Foundation Youth Club.  The Club was designed to meet your requests for an easy portal where students in Haiti and in the U.S to get together and get involved with the Foundation.  The Le Flambeau Youth Club is that opportunity.  Young members can get together in a bi-lingual setting meet new friends and help each other – all on Facebook…a setting that our youthful audience is quite familiar with.  Students are able to dialogue on their favorite topics and can qualify for upcoming session of THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program during which students in Haiti can earn books and TOEFL test stipends,  and students in the U.S. can gain credit for their community service (depends on the school).  Helpful guidelines for working in the Le Flambeau Youth Club are provided.

Thank you for your support along the way.  We are looking forward to launching more, ideally scholarships, together soon.  Enjoy!