The Many Faces of Fatherhood

Le Flambeau Foundation , Inc., June 16, 2024

Fatherhood takes many shapes. As Le Flambeau Foundation president Jean St.Lot-Gervais shared, fathers are like the bow of an archer, while mothers are the string. Together, they propel their children, the arrows, towards their potential. This powerful image, passed down from his own father, Ambassador Emile Saint-Lot, a towering figure in Haitian and global history, has clearly guided Jean’s path and continues to inspire many. Ambassador Saint-Lot’s legacy of leadership on the world stage, including serving as a founding member of the United Nations and as a signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, serves to inspire as we learn from every action.

The spirit of fatherhood is further embodied by the father of the Foundation’s executive director, Dr. Luc L. Colas. His life exemplified intellect, leadership and generosity with an international scope. His influence continues to shape countless individuals – leaders of all stripes who are shaping Haiti’s present and future. Education was Dr. Colas’ cornerstone with an unwavering love for humanity. He held immense respect for Ambassador Saint-Lot.

Together, parents and generations equip their children with advantages to propel them forward. The distance these “arrows” travel depends on the strength of their foundation, built upon education and guided by a father’s unwavering support.

As we celebrate the invaluable contributions of fathers – past, present, and future – we contribute to the rebuilding of our nation. This is a universal celebration, a global movement. Ultimately, rebuilding Haiti is about rebuilding ourselves. The future looks bright, and the steps we take are positive. We come together to acknowledge the sacrifices, perseverance, pain, and love our fathers poured into the success of our generations, both present and future.

To honor the spirit of fatherhood, we express our deepest appreciation, with education as our most pressing act. By striving for sustainable prosperity for all, we show our gratitude to our fathers and parents for laying the foundation. We move forward, saying thank you with every step we take.

Le Flambeau Foundation Inc

  • To Learn more about Ambassador Emile Saint-Lot click here.
  • To learn more about Dr. Luc L. Colas click here.

### How to Get Involved

There are a number of ways to get involved with the  Le Flambeau Foundation  .  As a supporter, you can donate to the foundation, volunteer your time, or become a mentor to a young person in Haiti.  Feel free to contact us by clicking here.