Congratulations to the week-two winner of THE SPARK of LFF Fall 2021 session! In the words of English Grader Alexis…
“As promised, today we reveal THE SPARK of the week, and that would be no other than our lovely Naisha! Naisha came, Naisha saw, and Naisha contributed. As Naisha may remember from my response to Naisha’s contribution, “Many imaginations exists, but not many people actually put those imaginations in action, which is critical in being a successful entrepreneur”. Not only did Naisha contribute to the question of the week, Naisha utilized the word of the week, and gave a thoughtful peer response. Let’s all congratulate Naisha for the achievement of being this week’s SPARK! CONGRATULATIONS NAISHA!!“
To learn more about THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program and what it means to youth in Haiti click here.