Commentary written by the late Dr. Luc L. Colas of Cap-Haitien, Haiti, on December 10, 1998 – the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Noted is Senator Emile Saint-Lôt who joined Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in Paris in 1948 as a Haiti delegate, and who helped draft and was a signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10th, 1948. Shared is a piece of history and insight into the spirit that created Le Flambeau Foundation .
The powerful verb still echoes to our ears, and we are wondering, and we are searching, our way along, in our darkness, this universality–and we have doubts. What else can we do, when terrified and stunned, we see some co-signatories of this famous universal declaration, to deliberately ride roughshod over the philosophy of this declaration? Human Rights, Rights for the self-determination, Rights to interfere, Respect of cultures that are specific to their People — achievement of a climate that is unique in this world, of nations that are united with mutual respect and trust. How can the protectors of Rights change themselves into transgressors for the same rights? To paraphrase the other, “if shepherds of the herd, you would become the wolves, then and only then — it will be time for the generations to come, the posterity, to ask us for an explanation.” But new circumstances, a new perspective, new interests — and all transcendent truths seem to fade in the universal consciousness.
Brethren: Americans, Haitians
All expatriate people, all observers living in our country — following Senator Emile Saint-Lot, following all visionary people, co-signatories of the Declaration of Human Rights — in this climate of festivities around Christmas and the New Year, could we all continue to proclaim, far from the exhilaration, could we all create a single beam with all the people in the universe, with all the oppressed — without any distinction of power, color, wealth, origins, could we all stick together and help us by giving means of support, by re-immersing us in the cradle of the Messiah, this, in a single universal declaration of faith — therefore laying down the bases for a true Christmas and a productive Year 1999!!!
At the end of this “End of the Year Message”, we feel the need to take our hats off, in front of “this scaffolding put together with difficulty and patience, this vast compromise that represents the largest effort attempted in common by humanity to give ourselves some new legal and moral foundations based on true Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, that was, in spirit of its imperfections, a promise for the humiliated and offended people on earth…” (deadlock of the Declaration of Human Rights, Emile Saint-Lôt).
At this crossroads, it will never be too early, nor too late, for proclaiming beyond the oceans, beyond the distinctive identity, beyond the cultures, as in the good old days, our attachment for this little corner of land where life was good, and we are saying to all of you expatriate compatriots, brethren, and all inhabitants of this continent, without ignoring the people of Asia, Europe, Oceania, and Christian faith, this common but so expressive expression:
Merry Christmas. A Messiah is born onto us. Peace on earth to men of good will. Gloria in excelsis Deo! Glory to the Highest in Heavens! Hallelujah!!! Have a happy and very fruitful New Year!!
– written by the late Dr. Luc L. Colas on December 10, 1998 of Cap-Haitien, Haiti, on the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To learn more about Dr. Luc L. Colas, a founding spirit of Le Flambeau Foundation (click here).
To see a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights pulled from the UN files, pdf (click here) or go to UN site.
The Le Flambeau Foundation exists because of the exceptional passion, hard work, vision, perseverance and tremendous leadership of Sénateur Emile Saint-Lôt (September 11, 1904 – August 17, 1976) and Dr. Luc L. Colas, MD, Esq. (February 24, 1921 – November 3, 2009). They both worked with the United Nations. They both believed in the goodness of man, in equality for all and in elevation through education. They believed that we can do anything. And so we are.