Youth Interview with Lourdia

Youth participants in Le Flambeau Foundation programming, specifically THE SPARK of Le Flambeau, were interviewed over the year 2014.  Following is the candid feedback provided.  The students live in Haiti and are between the ages of 17 and 25.  English is their second or third language.


Lourdia, Interview, THE SPARK of Le Flambeau

What does Le Flambeau Foundation mean to you?
Le Flambeau Foundation helps us to express ourselves, to improve our knowledge. And the best, to accept others mind.

What do you see as the future of Haiti?
I see the youths as the future of Haiti

What role would you like to play in the future of Haiti?
I would like to control the international business.

What role would you like to play in your family?
I would like to help all of them( education particularly).

What was and is the value of your involvement with THE SPARK of Le Flambeau?
My English is improving. My vocabulary too.

To read more youth interviews (click here)