Being THE SPARK of Le Flambeau

We completed our 12th THE SPARK of Le Flambeau class!…headed into our fifth year.  Congratulations to students in Haiti and the U.S. for the impressive performance.  Winners will soon be announced.  We note that Being THE SPARK of Le Flambeau comes in many forms…

With THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program the top performers in both countries receive official award certificates.  The Dell notebook laptop along with a set of English learning CD’s, will be awarded to the grand winner in Haiti.  Additional items will be awarded to other hardworking student class members, with the help of our supporters; tools to continue their forward movement in education.   A few have asked “how can we help”  – we offer the following options for being THE SPARK of Le Flambeau in some form, for someone in Haiti.

TOEFL Test Study Guide

This Official Guide to the TOEFL Test is the best, most reliable guide to the test that is used around the world to assess foreign applicants to U.S. and Canadian universities for English proficiency. It includes real TOEFL questions for practice, as well as explanations of every section of the test.  Includes CD-ROM with three authentic TOEFL iBT practice tests.

This donation can be made by either purchasing and sending the Guide to the Le Flambeau Foundation office or by making a donation of $40.00 (includes PayPal fees and transportation).

TOEFL Test Stipend

This will allow a promising young student in Haiti to take the TOEFL test and open the door to giant steps forward on her/his educational journey.  The TOEFL ® test measures English language skills, is required by most U.S. colleges and universities, and is required by Le Flambeau Foundation for scholarship consideration.

This donation would be designated specifically for a TOEFL Test stipend – the donor will be notified as it is awarded.  Donation amount is $165.00 (includes PayPal fees).

THE SPARK of Le Flambeau General  Support  Funding

This will be applied towards general operating expenses for this all-volunteer program.  General operating expenses consists of costs for the site, support services, awards and will extend to supporting scholarship candidates and recipients (as applicable).

Donation amount is flexible – we welcome all support

Holiday Shop Haiti Coffee / Gifts

Do your holiday shopping on-line at Touche Market Place and know that as you shop you are gifting those around you, while making a donation to education for youth in Haiti.  The Haitian gourmet coffee and spicy mamba (peanut butter) are popular as are the steel drum art and unique beaded finds.  Shop at Touche Market Place now.


Being THE SPARK of Le Flambeau comes in many forms.  The options listed above a but a few choices.  The most important point is that you reach out in some way and extend a helping hand in a manner that will be a catalyst for the transition from poverty to prosperity, with dignity – it will set off  THE SPARK that will keep the torch moving forward, for generations to come.

Thank you.

Le Flambeau Foundation is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization – donations are tax deductible.