Innovative Language Learning for Haiti

The launch of two new sets of language learning CD’s has many excited.  The new products are the result of a unique relationship between Le Flambeau Foundation and London-based EuroTalk,  a company recognized as  one of the top language learning CD developers in the world.  The new language learning CD offerings  include the American English language learning set which features special Haitian Creole HELP guides and the Haitian Creole language learning set.  Each set has 5 CD’s.  The sets are part of an innovative fundraising initiative designed to assist young people in Haiti earn sustainable educational assets that will prepare them for the effective rebuilding of Haiti.

These CD sets are unique in a number of ways.  The special feature of having the Help guides for the English Language learning CD’s spoken in Haitian Creole,  offers a significant advantage to the many youth in Haiti who speak Creole but are not fluent in French.  This featuremeans that youth in Haiti can learn English without first having to master French.  By reducing the number of steps, students are able toaccelerate their English learning…and have fun doing it via the highly entertaining and engaging EuroTalk format.”  For young people in Haiti looking for jobs and for those aiming to attend higher learning institutions in the U.S., this advantage is invaluable.  It opens the door to a whole new world.  Similarly, the Haitian Creole learning CD’s offer important advantages to a U.S. audience (and other countries) aiming to become fluent in visiting Haiti and making sustainable contributions.  We are pleased to be working with the EuroTalk team on this initiative and applaud the commitment.  Sending the next student to school on scholarship, resulting from the funds being raised via this initiative, is already within reach.

Language learning is a wonderful experience particularly when it is interactive – on the CD’s and with live partners. Ideally, one can do both.  Recently the partnerships established with the THE SPARK of Le Flambeau language exchange program between U.S. and Haiti students resulted in a student in Haiti receiving a college scholarship to attend school in the U.S. – her performance was exemplary (see partners pictured w/ Le Flambeau Foundation vp).   The lively interactive format of these CD’s ( for which EuroTalk is widely recognized), the unique Creole transitional advantage they offer, and the opportunity to participate in THE SPARK of Le Flambeau program; will accelerate the success pace for students in Haiti and for volunteers who aim to assist the bright motivated youth of Haiti.

Scholar Ruchama is working closely with youth in Haiti

These special  CD sets are available to youth groups in Haiti and in the U.S.  and serve as vehicles  for meeting  educational and funding needs (see   Le Flambeau Foundation Entrepreneurship Initiative).  For more information on getting involved or on purchasing these special CD sets for youth education programming, please contact Le Flambeau Foundation Inc.  at,  or 305.596.2819.  You may place individual orders for these sets on-line at the Touché Market Place by clicking here ( – (U.S., Canada and U.K.).  EuroTalk is making a donation to the Le Flambeau Foundation for every CD purchased from this special collection.   This is innovation in its best form as the wheels are in motion for making a significant sustainable difference for the people of Haiti.  Rebuilding moves forward.  The future is bright!

The support of friends like you made this possible.  Thank you for your on-going donations which permit future programming.  Learn more about sponsorship options ,  subscribing to youth education for Haiti, or to donate now.