Hello Everyone,
I am so excited to share with you my wonderful experience in U.S.A.
I enjoy my classes and have been enrolled in four classes. My academic performance to date is two A’s and two B’s. Most of the time, in my Writing and College Reading classes, I am the topic sentence. Everybody asks me to talk about my experience here in Missouri. I like to work with other students!
I have being involved in the community, by teaching violin lessons to the College Advising Coordinator’s daughter, playing violin on Sunday at either the College Director of Admissions’ church or the Advising Coordinator’s church. I am sharing a room on campus with the basketball team’s captain and have been invited to play violin for her sister’s wedding on April 23rd.
My visit to the state capitol in Jefferson City on Wednesday, February 16, is an unforgettable day. It was the international students’ day and an event here in Missouri. Meeting three hundred fifty International students from seventy five different countries, where I met a Haitian student and spoke Creole and French which are our languages in Haiti. Everyone found other students who are from the same country, and could speak their native language. We had dinner together. And that day, I had the opportunity to visit the Supreme Court, received a tour of the Senate Chamber and had a chance to meet with Senator Casey Guernsey, Third District Rep. State Rep.
For the Spring break, I traveled to New York visiting my family. Most of the time, Spending my time in Manhattan and Brooklyn, I visited the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn Public Library etc… That was a great experience! I continue to enjoy my time, as my study is the most interesting thing for me!
The dynamism of life, the key to human progress lies in the persistent effort to achieve personal and collective ideals, because idealists do not live with illusions. Someone that has a higher purpose, has a great hope, is fighting for something big and beautiful is happy, even if they go through hardships and privations!!!
The support of friends like you made this possible. Thank you for your on-going donations which permit future programming. Learn more about sponsorship options , subscribing to youth education for Haiti, or to donate now.
About the Le Flambeau Foundation Earthquake Scholarship – this is a transitional initiative that provides leadership and character gifted students from Haiti with an opportunity to attend a unique 1-semester college program in the U.S. During this period students perfect their English language fluency and apply their intellectual talents while taking college classes and earning college credits. Their studies are focused on areas most needed in Haiti during the post-earthquake reconstruction period with emphasis in areas that offer the greatest immediate productivity returns for the students and for Haiti. Upon completion of the scholarship term the students return to Haiti destined to be in pivotal roles as mentors and rebuilders for the new sustainable Haiti. Ruchama prepared for this opportunity via THE SPARK of Le Flambeau language exchange program and advanced quickly, earning the scholarship.